Give up the notion that you must be sure of what you are doing. Instead surrender to what is real within you – for that alone is sure

~ Baruch Spinoza

How can I increase my impact as a leader?

How can I be the authentic, inspirational leader I aspire to be?

What deeper purpose is calling me in my personal and professional journey?

How do I effectively cope with all the demands that pour in over me?

Why do I sometimes feel as if I am not the leader in charge of my own life?

These are questions most of us as leaders ask ourselves. Our personal and professional path is a continuous quest of becoming the best version of ourselves we can be.

As every top athlete who aspires to greatness works with a trusted coach to guide them on their path to success, so have many great business leaders relied on the power of reflection, guidance and support from a professional coach.

My personal belief is, that If we get the honor to be a leader for fellow human beings, it is our responsibility to commit ourselves to do the ‘inner work of leadership’ – so we learn to become more aware of who we are, to become better listeners, to minimize our own projections onto our environment and to be able to hold genuine space for others. Only then have we earned the privilege to guide others into the future and will be able to create a lasting, positive impact on the organization.


People I have worked with have increased their ability to set and execute on their priorities, to build effective teams with diverse perspectives and accelerate the development of their people, learned tools to effectively manage their emotions and stress levels, gained new self-awareness and created more balance and joy in their work and personal lives. Many have made the challenging transition moving from managers to leaders.
See further below what leaders who I have worked with have to say.

My personal journey

My own path has been one of building bridges between very different worlds.

My own path has been one of building bridges between very different worlds. This path has taught me much of who I am at my core. I was born to parents from different cultures, backgrounds and languages and have lived and worked in different countries and cultures. I have experienced leadership at the senior executive levels of a large multinational and I have deeply explored transformational paths of ancient cultures and various spiritual traditions.

My inner personality (and therefore my life) has been a story of finding balance between on one hand the world of the analytical mind, stability, structure and success in the outer world and on the other the unpredictable world of the soul, of adventure, depth, and the exploration of the inner world.

In my coaching approach I take clients on a journey inside, to confront unconscious beliefs, to explore set perceptions and find strength in inner gifts and with that gain access to a deeper truth within us, which gives rise to new creativity, authenticity and courage to pursue our deepest intent.

If you want to walk on water,
you’ve got to get out of the boat….

John Ortberg

The voice of clients

Yes, I’m curious to explore